A. Thrive Universal Parenting Programs → 3. Grow - Ages 5-10 Years

Grow (03-GR-00)

The Grow parenting program is a universal program designed to help parents of 5- to 10-year-olds. This program helps parents learn positive parenting techniques, stress management strategies, and health promotion skills that can be used to help children be happy and healthy.
  • Welcome
  • Welcome to the Grow Parenting Program
  • Hello & Welcome!
  • Grow Consent Form
  • Tell Us About You and Your Family
  • Session One - Parenting Styles: Why They Matter
  • Welcome to Session One!
  • How Your Child is Developing
  • Fostering Resiliency
  • Building Resilience
  • Seven Cs
  • Your Developing Child
  • Nurturing Qualities
  • Love & Limits
  • Your Parenting Style Matters
  • React - Session One
  • Interact
  • Tell Us What You Think - Session One
  • End of Session One
  • Session Two - Using Praise and Encouragement to Help Children THRIVE
  • Welcome to Session Two!
  • Reflect - Beginning of Session Two
  • Child Directed Play
  • Positive Feedback is Effective Feedback
  • Playing with Your Child is Good Parenting
  • Using Praise and Encouragement to Help Children THRIVE
  • Notice, Praise, & Encourage Good Behavior and Effort
  • Praise & Encourage Often
  • How you praise your child matters!
  • React - Session Two
  • Interact
  • Tell Us What You Think - Session Two
  • End of Session Two
  • Session Three - Your Daily Routine Matters
  • Welcome to Session Three!
  • Reflect - Beginning of Session Three
  • Establishing Routines
  • Bedtime Routines Reduce Stress
  • Tips for a Better Night's Sleep
  • Develop Your Plan
  • Family Meals
  • Family Meal Goals
  • Your Family - Your Team
  • Fulfilling Household Responsibilities Can Be Fun- Be Creative!
  • Structure Reduces Stress
  • Go Screen-Free!
  • Tools to Manage Screen Time
  • React - Session Three
  • Interact
  • Tell Us What You Think - Session Three
  • End of Session Three
  • Session Four - Promoting Health at Home
  • Welcome to Session Four!
  • Reflect - Beginning of Session Four
  • Your Child's Growth Patterns
  • 5210 Healthy Children
  • Give Your Child Opportunities to be Active!
  • Physical Activity is Family Time
  • Practice Developing Your Plan With Physical Activity!
  • You Influence Your Child's Eating Behaviors
  • Promote Healthy Eating Using the Satter Division of Responsibility
  • How to Help Your Child Know If He is Still Hungry
  • Phrases that Help and Hinder
  • Help or Hinder?
  • More practice with the Satter Division of Responsibility
  • Practice: Challenges to Promoting Healthy Behaviors
  • Develop Your Plan: Use Your New Strategies
  • Develop Your Plan: Which Will You Use?
  • Develop Your Plan: What Changes Will You Make?
  • React - Session Four
  • Interact
  • Tell Us What You Think - Session Four
  • End of Session Four
  • Session Five - Preventing Misbehavior
  • Welcome to Session Five!
  • Reflect - Beginning of Session Five
  • What is Effective Discipline?
  • Managing Misbehavior
  • Effective Discipline Example
  • Prevent Misbehavior by Planning Ahead
  • How Can You Use These Strategies With Your Own Family?
  • Punishment vs. Discipline
  • Discipline
  • Discipline is a Teaching Tool
  • Parents are Teachers
  • Be Clear, Concise, and Consistent
  • React - Session Five
  • Interact
  • Tell Us What You Think - Session Five
  • End of Session Five
  • Session Six - Positively Managing Misbehavior
  • Welcome to Session Six!
  • Reflect - Beginning of Session Six
  • Natural Consequences
  • Logical Consequences
  • Planned Ignoring
  • Privilege Removal
  • Redirecting your Child's Behavior
  • Your Child is Telling You Something
  • Discipline: Calm, Clear, Concise, & Consistent
  • It's Your Turn to Practice
  • Remember...
  • React - Session Six
  • Interact
  • Tell Us What You Think - Session Six
  • End of Session Six
  • Session Seven - Listening: A Stress Reduction Strategy
  • Welcome to Session Seven!
  • Reflect - Beginning of Session Seven
  • Taking Care of You
  • Some Strategies to Try at Home
  • Children Feel Stress Too
  • Acknowledging Feelings & Setting Expectations
  • When Children Feel Stressed
  • Overscheduled kids = Stressed out kids
  • Let's Practice
  • More Practice for You!
  • Sources of Stress
  • Fear of Failure
  • Building Competence in Our Children
  • Coping: A Stress Reduction Strategy
  • React - Session Seven
  • Interact
  • Tell Us What You Think - Session Seven
  • End of Session Seven
  • Session Eight - Say what? Effective Communication & Healthy Thoughts
  • Welcome to Session Eight!
  • Reflect - Beginning of Session Eight
  • Healthy Thinking Patterns
  • Thought Catching
  • Active Listening and Showing Support
  • Active Listening, Continued
  • Calming Your Child
  • Different Ways to Cope
  • Effective Communication is as Easy as Listening Well
  • What You Say Matters
  • Conversations With Your Child
  • Listen with Purpose
  • React - Session Eight
  • Interact
  • Tell Us What You Think - Session Eight
  • Program Review
  • End of Session Eight
  • It's a Wrap: Let's Review What You Learned
  • Reflect - It's a Wrap
  • Congratulations!
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever